Tuesday, February 11, 2014

"The Evolution of the Swimsuit" by Jessica Rey: Summary and Analysis

   In "The Evolution of the Swimsuit," by Jessica Rey, actress and designer, she argues that swimsuits have become too revealing and objectify women.  She provides pictures of swimsuits over time as an example of how far the swimsuit has come.  The swimsuit from the earliest time shown was actually a full suit for women, and they would have a horse and carriage pull the changing house they were in up to the water just so they would not be seen.  Rey also explains that men naturally objectify women when they wear bikinis.  She gives a study of male brain activity as evidence that they automatically see scantily clothed women as objects.  Rey suggests that women quit giving in to the views of society and wear swimsuits that cover their bodies.  She shows her swimsuit line as a solution to the issue. 
   I believe that swimsuits definitely do not cover enough.  Young girls go out practically naked in bikinis for the world to see them, and many parents allow it.  Jessica Rey makes a very good argument that women should dress modestly.  Dressing in revealing clothing does not give a woman power, it objectifies her. 
   I think Jessica Rey's swimsuit line is a great solution to the issue.  If women can be brave enough to stop wearing bikinis, the trend will end.  Women will learn to have respect for themselves, and men can then stop seeing them as objects.